One of the recurring
issues in engendering ethical (responsible) business decision-making is how to
counter “it must be OK- others are doing it”. This is even more difficult in this
world of behavioural economics (see “Nudge” written by Thaler and Sunstein)
where peer pressure (or “following the herd”) is actively used to encourage a
wide range of actions ensuring that decision making for the individual is
easier with the perceived endorsement of others.
This herd instinct is a
pervasive trend being used not only by the big corporates like Amazon for
example “people who bought X also bought Y” but also charities and lobbying
groups with their real-time updates eg “Jenny has just donated £10”, “48,345
people have signed the petition”. In the post-truth world there is also the
additional issue that because thousands believe a particular (false) news item,
this also makes it true.