Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Values and ethics are key drivers of employee engagement

One of the key business benefits of having an ethical culture is the whole area of employee engagement. In the 2014 "Great Place to Work Special Report" it states "the best way to improve employee engagement is to train and motivate managers to act in a more value-driven way- with integrity".

"Low-integrity behaviour damages trust and engagement and so damages performance". This then has a knock-on effect on customers which is going to be bad for business, especially if the business operates in customer services.

The report states "high integrity behaviour builds business by building trust".It includes the top five areas for improving employee engagement. These are:
  1. ensure fair reward, recognition and appreciation
  2. provide a fun place to work
  3. encourage life:work balance
  4. build employee pride by contributing to the community
  5. promote fairness so that people feel they are all in it together.

So as this blog has tried to reinforce, business ethics can build trust and boost value through the fair treatment of stakeholders.

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